To the left Suotella Houlette (mother), Blaireau Noire Luthien, Mithrandir, Jättijetin Ihmemies (father), Blaireau Noire Nandor, Feanor, Alexander, Amrod year 2002.
To the left Blaireau Noire Lorien, Gwaihir, Faramir, Galadriel, Mörkömaan Kaunotar and Blaireau Noire Lorien
Blaireau Noire Diamant´s puppy meeting 1998
We have also meeting where was our Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees litters
Puppymeeting year 1997
To the left Blaireau Noire Endor, Ablace Hiawatha (father), Yoda, Anakin, Säheltäjän Sussu (mother) and Blaireau Noie Vader